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California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure


Friday, February 05, 2016


PowerVolt Group, including PowerVolt, Ensign Corporation and Wabash Transformer, are committed to assuring that slavery, underage labor, and human trafficking do not exist in our supply chains. PowerVolt Group has contractual requirements that its suppliers comply with all applicable laws including, laws which prohibit slavery, underage labor, and human trafficking. PowerVolt, Ensign and Wabash Transformer uses its sourcing professionals to conduct regular audits of its suppliers, including unannounced audits. These audits include evaluation of compliance with laws, including laws prohibiting slavery, underage labor, and human trafficking. A supplier which fails to comply with laws on slavery, underage labor, and human trafficking is subject to termination of contracts and any outstanding orders. Likewise, a condition of employment with PowerVolt and its’ affiliates abide by our Code of Ethics, which requires compliance with all applicable laws in countries in which we do business.